Everything we’ve gone over up until now has been leading to this one VERY IMPORTANT step you’re about to take. This step is going to completely turn the tables on your journey to passing… literally overnight.

Now I’ve been holding out on this until now because I wanted everything I had to say to you to really sink in.

That’s because with the proper mindset this method becomes 300%+ more effective.

So, are you with me?

Good. Then let’s press on…

Remember at the end of the previous page when I asked you how fast you thought your attitude and motivation could change about the CPA exam if you just had someone to teach you how to study, what to NOT to do and how to beat CPA exam failure?

You know, someone to light a fire under your butt to get this thing done and passed?!

Well, the time has come to put NASBA in its place and pave the way to getting back what rightfully “belongs” to you!


It’s simple and it’s all about having someone who has experience failing the CPA exam (and overcoming it) teach you how to study, what NOT to do, and how to keep moving forward no matter what happens next.

Remember when I told you that the reason you feel such a fear of failure is because you have probably never failed at anything academically before?

Now consider this…

What if YOU had a friendly CPA Exam Mentor to give you the blueprint to passing, 1500+ CPA candidates cheering you on, and tutors to outsource all your most difficult questions too?

What do you think would happen?

I’ll tell you what would happen…

Your motivation would instantly take a 180-degree turn and you’d start making steps to increasing your understanding of the material. Then it would just be a matter of time until you made it the whole way there and EARNED your coveted CPA license.

Now you can find similar resources like this spread across the interwebs, but it will require tons of googling and “hoping” you find reliable sources to teach you how to pass the CPA exam but be WARNED!

There is a ton of noise out there from people who don’t truly understand how to help someone pass the CPA exam and with zero track record (and you don’t have hundreds of hours to research and test a million contradicting strategies).

That’s why I’ve taken the time to create, document, and further perfect this a strategy for passing the CPA exam that will work for you based on your unique situation, created a thriving community of motivated CPA candidates for you, and have hired the BEST CPA exam tutors for you to learn from!

Best part?

All of this is included in my best-selling mentorship + tutoring program, Ultimate CPA Exam Guide (U.C.E.G. as the cool kids call it).

This program has been used by 1500+ CPA Candidates around the world with amazing success (check the P.S. for some examples below).

So you have a choice.

Keep trying to figure this out on your own…


Join my CPA exam mentorship program, Ultimate CPA Exam Guide, which is trusted by all the major CPA Review Courses such as Wiley CPAexcel, UWorld Roger CPA, Gleim CPA & Yaeger CPA Review to help their students study smarter and increase their scores.

If you are still struggling mentally with the fear of failure or truly failing the CPA exam and about to give up, then you need to visit the link below and devour everything inside of my mentorship + tutoring program, Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:


Click Here To Unlock Your Invitation To Join Ultimate CPA Exam Guide


I promise you that when you see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, you’ll no longer be asking yourself, “what am I doing wrong?” and there’ll be no more doubts in your mind about what to do next.

To your success,


Bryan Kesler, CPA

P.S. This is my proven “fast track” method to passing the CPA Exam.

Unlock your invitation now, enroll, devour it, and pass the CPA exam once and for all…

It’s been used by 1500+ CPA Candidates all around the world with amazing success:


Click Here To Unlock Your Invitation To Join Ultimate CPA Exam Guide