For Motivated Future CPAs ONLY!

Things You Can Do Today To Instantly Increase Your Odds Of Passing The CPA Exam!

If you are a busy accountant determined to become a CPA…

Then this information will be the most important you’ll read all year.

The #1 fear CPA candidates have is the “fear of failure” and if not addressed, it can have devastating effects on your scores.

I bet you haven’t considered this.

Most CPA candidates have gone through college without EVER failing anything academically…

…and yet OVER 70% of CPA Candidates fail at least one section of the CPA exam.

This means statistically it would be WEIRD if you don’t fail at least one section of the CPA exam in the future.

Yet, so many CPA candidates paralyze themselves with this “fear of failure” that ultimately holds them back from ever passing (heck, even starting this process!).

So with this in mind… how should CPA candidates prepare for the possibility of failure and prevent themselves from sabotaging their own success?

Time to let you in on a “little known Secret” to increasing your CPA Exam Scores

This is something I consider the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT factor in passing the CPA Exam…

Never assume that because you have failed (or may fail)… you aren’t smart enough to pass the CPA Exam!

Now I could write a whole book on that topic…

In fact, I already have – and you can download it for free here:
6 Step Failure Recovery Blueprint

…but in the meantime, let me give you a little more insight into that statement.

Everything that is going on with you mentally right now (fear of failure/overwhelm etc…) is the result of misunderstanding the purpose of the CPA exam.

For example, consider this… if everyone is a CPA then no one is a CPA.

What does this do for you?

It shifts your perspective, helps you to understand that NASBA wants the most motivated and the most persisting accountants to be the ones who pass this exam and to represent the industry.

But this still doesn’t take away the paralyzing fear of failing or the mental damage that receiving a score of less than 75 inflicts on you.

So what’s the solution here?

It’s to plan for failure (just-in-case).

Failure is built into this exam by design.

It’s a way to weed out accountants who aren’t worthy of the CPA designation.

Think about it?

If you fail the CPA exam and then promptly give up because you make the assumption that you aren’t smart enough…

Well… it proves to NASBA that you were never serious about the license!

It’s the accountants that dive into the CPA exam process EXPECTING to fail (and preparing for this statistical inevitability) that succeed.

But what about all the people who pass without failing!

Ah yes… are there statistical anomalies out there (aka Freaks lol!)?

Absolutely! But those are the people you need to ignore right now.

Assuming you are one of the anomalies before you even start the process is what gets you in trouble!

Now how do you prepare for failure just-in-case?


  • You need a list of reasons for WHY you are putting yourself thru this “hell” to keep you focused
  • You need a CPA Exam Support System to push you (more on that later)
  • You need to schedule each section to give you the flexibility to quickly transition into retake mode (just-in-case)

Taking the time to really plan before you even start studying is a crucial step to passing the CPA exam.

The FATAL Mistake That Prevents You From Passing the CPA Exam…

In the free failure recovery blueprint, I told you that there is no need to recreate the “CPA exam studying wheel.” You need to find someone to teach you the right way to study based on your specific situation.

Well, that’s the underlying principle for the THIRD MOST IMPORTANT factor in passing the CPA Exam.

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