How U.C.E.G. Method Helps Wiley CPAexcel Students

Do you use Wiley CPAexcel?

Wonder if Ultimate CPA Exam Guide (U.C.E.G.) Method would help you succeed faster?

Then you have come to the right place! U.C.E.G. Method is designed to help you to avoid the overwhelm that Wiley CPAexcel customers typically experience.

Bite-sized lessons are great but how do you digest 100+ lessons per section without losing your mind?

Well I asked this question to all of the Wiley CPAexcel mentees in the U.C.E.G. Method Private Study Group and here were their responses.

What Wiley CPAexcel Students Think About Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

Andrew’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Helped me go 3 for 3 so far after failing 10-12 times.

– U.C.E.G. has changed my life

Karen’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– UCEG helped her determine “WHY” she wanted to be a CPA

– There’s so much info everywhere and the UCEG helps give her concise info

– Study Loops helped her tremendously. 

– Helps her to set reasonable goals” 

Mahesh’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– U.C.E.G. solved his fear of failure
– Gave him a systematic way to study

Breana’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– She shared with several of her friends already

Ashley’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Taking the CPA exam is a lonely process and that being part of the U.C.E.G. Community makes you feel like you’re not alone!

Juan’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends

Jasmine’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends her friends enroll!

Michele’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Check out her affirmation on her wall 🙂

Corey’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends

Justine’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Feels like from the mentorship sessions and personal interaction with Bryan that she is getting a 1 on 1 CPA exam mentorship experience

Daniel’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

Anna-Marie’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

Kenneth’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Recommends!

Eric’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– Ultimate CPA Exam Guide (U.C.E.G.) totally changed his perspective on how quickly to do the exam (wanted to take over a year but changed his mind after reviewing U.C.E.G.)

Becky’s Thoughts On Ultimate CPA Exam Guide:

– U.C.E.G. gives her the motivation she needs to keep going

U.C.E.G. + Wiley CPAexcel Success Stories

My favorite days of each quarter are CPA exam score release days!

There is always a flood of success stories (and also some stories from folks who didn’t pass).

The success stories are fuel for those who are struggling showing that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel.

The folks who share they failed create an opportunity for the  community to pick them back up and help them figure out what went wrong.

Here’s just a few of the most recent success stories our Wiley CPAexcel Mentees have shared 🙂

Marie struggled for 7 years to pass the CPA exam with Wiley CPAexcel. But after enrolling in U.C.E.G. it changed everything about how she approached the exam and she was able to pass in just over a year.


As a CPA and president of a Not-For-Profit she is now able to get more grant money and help even more people in her community!

Roxanne (aka as Helens in our study group) passed her final section REG in 30 days after implementing the U.C.E.G. Method. The U.C.E.G. Method helped her increase her scores by 19 points!

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